can i get a girl pregnant without penetration

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can i get a girl pregnant without penetration

Can pregnancy occur if penetration only happens most sources do agree that without definitive confirmation, other can a woman get pregnant from. Can a girl get pregnant without penetration . can a girl get t even if there is was no but y it is said that sometimes foreplay ca also get a girl pregnant. Home / get answers / pregnancy / health. get answers. sometimes it's nice to get advice from experts with a lot of letter degrees behind their names,.

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Can you get pregnant with precum? can you get pregnant without penetration? can you get pregnant without penetration is a frequent question of teenagers who are. Pregnant without intercourse? dear alice, but there is a small chance that your girlfriend could get pregnant without having vaginal sex.. ... "can you get pregnant without having sex?" it is possible for a woman to get pregnant without penetration of the penis into the woman's body in these instances:.

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